SCIMES tutorial

In this tutorial we will show the steps necessary to obtain the segmentation of the Orion-Monoceros dataset (orion_12CO.fits) presented in the SCIMES paper. Most of this tutorial is collected in the script

Building the dendrogram and the structure catalog

First, we need to compute the dendrogram and its related catalog, i.e. the inputs of SCIMES. In this example we are dealing with real observations. Therefore, we have to open a FITS file by using, for example, astropy :

>>> from import fits
>>> hdu = fits.getdata('orion_12CO.fits')[0]
>>> data =
>>> hd = hdu.header

Afterward the dendrogram can be computed:

>>> from astrodendro import Dendrogram
>>> d = Dendrogram.compute(data)

the astrodendro.dendrogram.Dendrogram class has various tuning parameters. To explore them and their meaning, please refer to: Computing and exploring dendrograms.

The dendrogram of Orion-Monoceros can be simply obtained using the following parameters:

>>> sigma = 0.3 #K, noise level
>>> ppb = 1.3 #pixels/beam
>>> from astrodendro import Dendrogram
>>> d = Dendrogram.compute(data, min_value=sigma, min_delta=2*sigma, min_npix=3*ppb)

and it looks like:


SCIMES applies the spectral clustering based on the properties of all structures within the dendrogram. The dendrogram catalog can be obtained by the ppv_catalog() or pp_catalog() functions, for example:

>>> from astrodendro import ppv_catalog
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> metadata = {}
>>> metadata['data_unit'] = u.Jy
>>> cat = ppv_catalog(d, metadata)

Further information about the dendrogram catalog functions can be found here: Making a catalog.

Clustering the dendrogram

The clustering of the dendrogram is obtained through the SpectralCloudstering class which requires as inputs the dendrogram and its related catalog:

>>> from scimes import SpectralCloudstering
>>> dclust = SpectralCloudstering(d, cat)

By default, the clustering is performed on the aggregate affinity matrix given by the element-wise multiplication of the luminosity and the volume matrix. If instead you want to perform the clustering based on volume only, ignoring luminosity, this can be achieved by setting:

>>> dclust = SpectralCloudstering(d, cat, cl_luminosity = False)

or if only the luminosity matrix is needed:

>>> dclust = SpectralCloudstering(d, cat, cl_volume = False)

The SpectralCloudstering class provides several optional inputs:

  • user_k: the number of clusters expected can be provided as an input. In this case, SCIMES will not make any attempt to guess it from the affinity matrix.
  • user_ams: if clustering based on a different property than volume and luminosity is wanted, this can be obtained by providing a user defined affinity matrix. This matrix needs to be ordered according to the dendrogram leaves indexing. Several matrices based on various properties can be provided all together; SCIMES aggregates them and generates the clustering based on all these properties.
  • user_scalpars: the scaling parameters of the affinity matrices can be provided as input. The scaling parameters are used to suppress some affinity values of the matrix and enhance others by rescaling the matrices with a Gaussian kernel. Also, this operation normalizes the matrices and prompts the user whether the matrices should be aggregated or this step should be skipped, proceeding directly to the clustering. The choice of the scaling parameters might influence the final result. If not provided, SCIMES estimates them directly from the affinity matrices.
  • savesingles: by definition single leaves do not form clusters, since clusters are constituted by at least two objects. Therefore, they are eliminated by default from the final cluster counts. For some applications, as in case of low resolution observations, single leaves might represent relevant entities that need to be retained. This keyword forces SCIMES to consider unclustered and isolated leaves as independent clusters that will appear in the final cluster index catalog.

As an example, we run SpectralCloudstering on the Orion-Monoceros dataset, using the “volume” matrix only without including distance information. In this case SCIMES prints:

>>> Running SCIMES
>>> WARNING: adding luminosity = flux to the catalog.
>>> WARNING: adding volume = pi * radius^2 * v_rms to the catalog.
>>> WARNING: clustering will be performed on the Volume matrix only

The first two WARNINGs are related to the fact that in the original implementation of the ppv_catalog(), “volume” and “luminosity” are not present. SCIMES calculates them using the properties within the catalog and adds them to the catalog. The third WARNING relates to the fact that the clustering will be performed only on the “volume” matrix.

Firstly, SCIMES proceeds to calculate the affinity matrices:

>>> - Creating affinity matrices

If the keyword blind == False the affinity matrices are visualized:


Then the spectral clustering starts. Only the “volume” matrix (matrix 0) is rescaled. The estimated scaling parameter is shown.

>>> - Start spectral clustering
>>> -- Smoothing  0  matrix
>>> -- Estimated scaling parameter: 3643.23718741

Afterwards, if blind == False, the rescaled matrix is also visualized:


In the case whose the “luminosity” clustering criterion is also selected, the final matrix is the product of the rescaled “volume” and “luminosity” matrices.

The number of cluster to find is first guessed from the number of blocks present along the main diagonal of the final affinity matrix. This number is further optimazed by calculating the value of the “silhouette” (see next Section) for 30 clustering configurations around the guessed value. The “silhouette” value of the best configuration is also printed.

>>> -- Guessed number of clusters = 42
>>> -- Best cluster number found through SILHOUETTE ( 0.985594230523 )=  43

At this point the spectral clustering finds the best assessment of dendrogram leaves within 43 clusters. However, some clusters cannot be assigned to specific branches within the dendrogram and they are eliminated from the final cluster counts; the cluster number 2 and 13 are considered “unassignable”. This operation is called “cluster cleaning”.

>>> -- Unassignable cluster  2
>>> -- Unassignable cluster  13

The final number of clusters for the Orion-Monoceros dendrogram using the “volume” criterion is 41:

>>> -- Final cluster number (after cleaning) 41

Clustering results

The main output of the algorithm, clusters, is a list of dendrogram indices representing the relevant structures within the dendrogram according to the scale of the observation and the affinity criteria used. In the case of Orion-Monoceros, the properties of the structures are the equivalent to “Giant Molecular Clouds”. Those structures are already present in the dendrogram. The hierarchy can be accessed following the instructions on the astrodendro documentation page, while their properties and statistics are collected in the dendrogram pp or ppv catalog. SCIMES provides other outputs that result from the clustering analysis:

  • affmats: numpy arrays containing the affinity matrices produced by the algorithm or provided as inputs by the user. The indices of those matrices represent the leaves of the dendrogram permuted in order to make the possible matrix block structure emerge. The permutation, however, does not influence the following spectral embedding.
  • escalpars: list containing the estimated scale parameters from the clustering analysis associated with the different input affinity matrices. Scaling parameters represent maximal properties (by default volume and luminosity, or flux) that the final structures tend to have.
  • silhouette: float showing the silhouette of the selected clustering configuration. This value ranges between 0 and 1 and represents the goodness of the clustering, where values close to 0 indicate poor clustering, while values close to 1 indicate well separated clusters (i.e. good clustering)

SCIMES visualizes the clusters within the dendrogram throught the plot_tree method of astrodendro. Each cluster is indicated with a different random color. Following the example in the previous Section, this can be done through:

>>> dclust.showdendro()

The result for the Orion-Monoceros dendrogram is:


where each color indicates a single cluster/relevant object within the dendrogram.

Together, SCIMES generates the assignment cube of the clouds through the get_mask method of astrodendro. Pixels within a given cloud are labeled with a number related to the index of the dendrogram. This can be obtained by doing:

>>> dclust.asgncube(hd)

where hd is the FITS file header of the Orion-Monoceros dataset. If the keyword collapse == True, a collapsed version of the PPV assigment cube is visualized:


A nice representation of the decomposed objects might be obtained by using APLpy:


where the integrated intensity map can be downloaded from orion_12CO_mom0.fits.

Difference between pixel and physical property-based segmentation

The above segmentation of the Orion-Monoceros dataset has been obtain using pixel-based properties. Nevertheless, if distances are know those can be attributed to every structrure within the dendrogram in order to provide segmentations based on the physical properties of the structures. By doing that, the “volume” criterion assume the units pc2 km/s. The objects obtained in this way are very similar to the ones decomposed using the pixel-based “volume”. Nevertheless, NGC2149 and Monoceros are separated:


Affinity matrix choice

By default SCIMES deals with the “volume” and “luminosity” matrices. Nevertheless, every affinity matrix can be provided by the user in order to obtain segmentation based on the desired property of the ISM. This operation is generally made through the user_ams keyword. However, SCIMES works well with monotonic and block diagonal matrices, and might misbehave when non-monotonic and strictly continous criteria are provided. In this example we show the segmentation of the Orion-Monoceros dataset using the “velocity dispersion” of the structures. The full run of SCIMES provides:

>>> - Creating affinity matrices
>>> - Start spectral clustering
>>> -- Rescaling  0  matrix
>>> -- Estimated scaling parameter: 2.0795701609
>>> -- Guessed number of clusters = 49
>>> -- Best cluster number found through SILHOUETTE ( 0.783614320248 )=  59
>>> -- Final cluster number (after cleaning) 66

In particular, the decomposed structures of the Orion-Monoceros dataset have a characteristic “velocity dispersion” of 2 km/s. However, the silhouette (~0.78) is not very high indicating a not optical clustering for this criteria. Moreover, the block in the affinity matrix are not well defined:


and the dendrogram branches appear overdivided:




This indicates that the structures in Orion-Monoceros are not highly separated along the line of sight and that, in general, the velocity dispersion is not a good criterion for this dataset.

SCIMES behaviour at low resolution

SCIMES is designed to find well resolved objects, constituted by several resolution elements. Nevertheless, it might be applied also to low resolution observations. In this case the code essentially behaves as a “clump-finder”. When working at low resolution, the savesingles keyword might be necessary, though (see above). In this example, the Orion-Monoceros dataset has been smoothed to a resolution of 10 pc (i.e. approximately a factor 10 lower than the original resolution). The following image show the result of SCIMES run.


Red contours indicate objects that have been decomposed by SCIMES using the default settings. Blue contours indicates, instead, the additional objects retained by enabling the savesingles keyword. This keyword forced SCIMES to keep single leaves in the final cluster catalog, and allow to decomposed some notable clouds (as Monoceros, the Crossbones, and the Scissor) that at this resolution are constituted by a single leaf, therefore erased by default.